(Jon Konrath)
(Jon Konrath)
Everything is a remix. Even the idea of stealing music and/or paying artists pennies on the dollar is a remix. You say YOUTUBE, I say radio circa 1932. You say stream ripping, I say COLUMBIA HOUSE (or, as ROBERT BALDWIN writes for ENDGADGET, "We were stealing music way before the internet and millennials"). The lesson? Don't complain. Do look for solutions. Don't cast blame. Do write your congressperson. Or, if you are a congressperson, write the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT... Oh, and if you are YOUTUBE, maybe hire a top executive from the industry that hates you the most, and assign him to be your liaison to that industry... Wait, strike that last item and replace it with this: If GOOGLE is E CORP, is LYOR COHEN the new ANGELA MOSS?... Quickie pro/con: Now that anyone can be a DJ, is DJ'ing dead? Yes. No... "LEMONADE," in addition to being both an album and film, is now essentially a course at the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO... The late GLENN FREY shall be standing on a corner in WINSLOW, ARIZONA forever.