Did a 5-hour checkup with the doc yesterday so my rant is light fare... Tell the truth... Randoms: I've never been able to separate passion, quality, duty, fairness, ethics and morality from business... There are actually really wrong and really stupid ways to solve problems... Incompetence isn't illegitimacy... Delegate to those that communicate... When you're a founder and the company ethos is an extension of you, disappointment can be defeating... Garbage in. Garbage out. Firm believer... Psychiatry is going to be a growth business... TRUMP has never given a satisfying interview for skeptics like me. Looking forward to VICE's SHANE SMITH getting a shot at the questions at some point... Off to SUNDANCE 2017 for a bit. Intend to publish each day. Target is 20 films in 5 days. Send recs!... Trying to reconcile how I feel about PEOTUS with the way OBAMA critics felt about him... MARK CUBAN sent me a big box of ALYSSA'S COOKIES. "Fiber, check. Low carb, check. Protein, check. No Gluten, check. Low-cal." They are pretty great... Happy Birthday to LAUREN ZALAZNICK, JAN SIMMONDS, ALIZA WAKSAL PRESSMAN, DEE GARDETTI, SASHA TULCHIN, DANIEL ETRA and JEFF PRESSMAN