We've taken a look at THE GAWKER CONTROVERSY in our new REDEF MediaSET. NICK DENTON is certainly a controversial figure but I think he did the right thing. Some question his motives but I care more about the outcome. The piece never should have been up in the first place. Truth or not. Don't really care. It had no purpose. It was rotten. Editors resigning? When LOWELL BERGMAN supposedly tussled with CBS to air the JEFFREY WIGAND interview portrayed in the MICHAEL MANN film THE INSIDER, that's a reason to get fired or resign. I could think of a few things that would make me resign. Having a conscience and not publishing hurtful dreck would not be one of them. So that's on the information I have now. I'm sure it will develop. And oh, NICK, for the love of god please don't reimburse TOMMY CRAGGS for his lunch bill... It's a strategic mistake to work long hours. Not just from a life balance perspective but from a clear mind for strategy and vision POV... JOSH GREENBERG was just 28 years old. Crushes me. Just beyond sad. Condolences to his friends and family.