(Bert Stern/Condé Nast Collection/Getty Images)
(Bert Stern/Condé Nast Collection/Getty Images)
It's that day you knew would always come but somehow felt far away, off on some faint and distant horizon. After 16 months and 100,000+ words later, today is my last newsletter for FashionREDEF. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who took the time to read and support REDEF and all the stories we've shared. Thank you to JASON HIRSCHHORN, MATTY KARAS, MIKE VORKUNOV, CARL DAVIS, and the entire team at REDEF, past and present. If you'd like to get in touch for notes, appreciations, complaints, (and rants!) you can reach me at mindy.meissen@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you. FashionREDEF will be on hiatus beginning today. It’s been fun. What a run. Keep supporting this extraordinary industry—one that offers radical ideas and gives expression to people the world over—and thank you again for reading. And since it's fashion week, here's a final note: the ABASI ROSBOROUGH show was wonderful ;)