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Apple Music Connect… Didn’t, So It’s Being Fazed Out

Ignored by artists and fans alike, Apple Music's "Connect" social feature is being fazed out, three years after a splashy public rollout featuring Drake and Jimmy Iovine.

Widely ignored by artists and fans alike, Apple Music’s “Connect” social feature is being fazed out, three years after a splashy public rollout featuring Drake and Jimmy Iovine. Originally envisioned as a major component of Apple Music, Connect allows artists to share photos and videos with fans, who could then comment on or like the posts.

It didn’t catch on, however, and a year after it was introduced Apple Music moved Connect from its own tab to within the For You recommendation page, while still keeping posts visible on Artist Pages. Now, Apple has decided to remove Connect from Artist Pages and For You altogether, effective immediately.

In an announcement sent to artists, Apple explains the “few changes” it is making to the music streaming service. “We’re always looking for ways to enhance our focus on artists and help them better connect to fans,” the message reads. “So we’ve given Artist Pages an all-new design and added new, personalized Artist Radio.”


Artists are no longer able to post to Connect, but all previously uploaded content will remain searchable until May 24, 2019, after which they will be removed.

On a public support page detailing the new changes to Artist Pages, the company simply stated that “Connect posts from artists are no longer supported.” It also outlined changes to improve organization and navigation and the addition of personalized artist radio stations for every artist.   

Connect’s debut at WWDC 2015 featured appearances by then-Apple executive Jimmy Iovine (“This is going to be very powerful for musicians”) and Drake (“Instead of having to post your stuff on all these different and sometimes confusing places, it all lives in one, very simple, very easy place, and that is Connect”).